Legal Professional Defense

Lawyers and law firms faced with legal malpractice claims trust the lawyers of Bell, Moore & Richter S.C. to defend their professional interests.

We have defended lawyers against a broad spectrum of claims filed by former clients alleging negligence in negotiating or drafting contracts, conducting commercial closings or drafting the documents essential to them, drafting wills, probating estates, offering tax or business advice, instituting or prosecuting litigation.

For example, we have defended lawyers who drafted wills for their clients only to find themselves sued by disinherited heirs or by heirs disappointed by their inheritances. We have defended lawyers against claims initiated by the opposing party in a client's litigation or by the other side to a failed commercial transaction.

It is not just legal professionals' direct clients who bring lawsuits against them. We have also defended cases brought by third persons with whom the lawyers had no direct relationship. If the need arises, let us put that experience to work protecting your interests or the interests of your insureds.

* Bell, Moore & Richter, S.C. has been named one of the 2015 Best Law Firms - Madison First Tier Ranking in the area of Professional Malpractice Law -