Public Utilities & Telecommun­ications
We are proud to represent investor-owned public utilities and telecommunications providers throughout Wisconsin. Our practice includes representing these entities before the Public Service Commission and working with de-regulated and unregulated operations. We also enjoy good relationships with Washington-based FCC and FERC specialists.
Our clients include investor-owned natural gas and electric utilities, rural local exchange carriers, cellular telecommunications partnerships, and affiliates involved in telecommunications and other ventures.
Communications Practice
Our Public Utilities and Telecommunications Group provides full service advice drawing on extensive experience across the communications industry, serving clients including cellular carriers, incumbent local exchange carriers, ISPs and broadband service providers, and video service providers.
Our attorneys represent tower owners and licensees in the drafting and negotiation of tower and ground space leases and collocation agreements and on compliance with associated federal regulations. We are experienced with interconnection agreements, switching agreements, reseller agreements, agent agreements, and transition services agreements.
Our extensive experience includes advising on issues and subjects including Universal Service, E911, intercarrier compensation and interconnection, state and federal consumer regulations, FCC Open Internet policies, broadband usage policies, IPtv, DSL, state video service franchising, Wisconsin Public Service Commission, and other matters facing the wireless, wireline, broadband and video service industry.
Technology Contracts and Customer Service Agreements
Our attorneys advise on a wide array of technology, wireless, broadband and video contracts, including customer service agreements, website terms of use, privacy policies, website hosting and web-based email agreements, broadband usage and open internet policies, collocation and interconnection agreements. We are experienced with drafting, defending, and enforcing mandatory arbitration clauses across the State of Wisconsin under the American Arbitration Act and Wisconsin Arbitration Act.
Consumer Law and Marketing Disclosures
Our Public Utilities and Telecommunications Group provides straightforward advice on compliance with state and federal consumer law, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Wisconsin Consumer Act. We have experience advising on and representing private company clients in negotiations with state regulatory and consumer protection agencies. We also assist our clients in review, formulation, and deployment of consumer disclosures and marketing practices.